This is a schematic of the controller. The heart of the controller is U1,
a LM78S40 PWM control IC. I had a tube full of these things, so it seemed
an obvious choice. The output of U1 drives a TIP34 power transistor which
is switched on and off at about 20KHz with a variable pulse width. The gain
of the TIP34 is pretty low, so in a future version, I would use a hefty P-channel
power MOSFET. The chopped voltage is filtered by L1 and C2 to give a variable
DC voltage to the TEC Module connected to J4.
The comparator in the 78S40 is driven by an error voltage developed by U5A,
which is 1/2 of a TL082 dual op-amp. The error voltage is 10 times the difference
between the setpoint and the actual temperature. The temperature sensor is
an LM35DT, which outputs 20mV per degree C. The pull-down resistor to -5V allows
it to work at negative temperatures. If you want to use this circuit with a
heater instead of a cooler, just swap the temperature sense voltage and the
setpoint voltage inputs to R6 and R7
The ability to work around zero degrees C added some complexity to the
circuit in the form of U7, which generates a -5 volt supply, and U5B, which gives
us a negative voltage reference. If you only want to control the temperature
to positive values, you could drop both of these parts, and use the internal
op-amp in the 78S40, wired just like U5A
J5 allows a connection to a microprocessor or other external controller to
give remote control and monitoring of the temperature controller. On this connector
one can monitor the temperature, control or monitor the setpoint, turn the
cooler or heater completely off, and turn the fan off.
Finally, I added U3, J3, and J7 to provide auxilliary outputs for the
controller enclosure fan and for the LNA power. This assumes that the whole
thing is driven by a 16 to 18 volt power supply. If you use a higher voltage
then I would add another regulator for the LNA supply.